That doesn't mean that everyone else is. One of my pleasures in life is my daily attempt to complete the Guardian quick crossword in under three minutes before leaving for work. I don't always achieve it but get a lot of fun trying. During term time the newspaper arrives on the doormat at around seven thirty leaving plenty of time to fit in the crossword before leaving to pick up the Instanta post from the post office. But what happens when school has broken up and the kids are on holiday? I empty the dishwasher and go to the door for the paper, It's not there. I prepare breakfast and go to the door for the paper. It's not there. I eat breakfast and go to the door for the paper. It's not there. I tidy up the breakfast dishes and go to the door for the paper. It's not there. I check how my lousy Betfair bets on Big Brother are doing and go to the door for the paper. It's not there. By now you will be getting the gist of things. Today the paper arrived a good hour later than usual and I had to try and complete the crossword whilst brushing my teeth. So come on paperboys (and girls). What's the point of a daily paper if you can't read it in the morning? Not every customer in Southport is a pensioner (even if it feels like it).

We've got a staff meeting later today. This is where I give everyone a quick rundown on how things have gone for the last few months and what we've got planned for the future. We talk about things like wages and bonuses . I used to hold these regularly but this is the first since we were taken over in January as we needed to integrate with our new owners before moving forward. This is now starting to fall into place so I've got plenty of news to report to everyone. And if you phone between 4.40 and 5pm I am afraid that we probably won't be available. Apologies in advance. Our parent company Zip is holding a big annual conference in the East Midlands in a couple of weeks. This is themed on the title "The Best Is Yet To Come" which I suppose is in honour of me and Max who are making a appearance and speaking to the service team at the very end of the conference. It's a pity I never themed my staff meetings in the past. We could have had 'Who Nicked The Brass?" "Any Tips For X Factor?" and "Can Anyone Think Of Something Other Than Bowling For A Night Out?"

I've been treated for high blood pressure for five or six years now. It's been under control but I have had to take four pills every day to keep it there. However, due to the diet that we've been on for the last two months, I'm now almost two stone lighter and I think that this is having an effect on the BP as I have started to feel light headed, faint and very very tired now and then. A quick check has given readings of 110 over 60 which isn't too low but I'm off to see the doctor tomorrow in case my medication needs to be adjusted downwards.

There are signs that our furry little friends have returned to the garage and after one of them took the Green And Blacks organic chocolate every night for the past four nights without being caught (I have a feeling that they have worked out how to open the trap and are using it as a sort of mousy hotel), I bought four of these traps at the garden centre on Sunday and I hope that one of these will do the trick. The garage floor looks like a rodent version of the Crystal Maze. Lets hope that it's lock in tonight. Clearly mice with up-market tastes (none of your Cheddar or Cadburys for them) the old trap was probably not swish enough for them. Let's hope that they prefer the new sparkly white ones. If they don't I may get the following photo blown up and leave it as a warning.

Or maybe this will do the trick. It was banned from the London Tube. Sound effects have been added.
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