I've been working almost non stop for the last twenty four hours. We had a staff meeting yesterday and I announced a staff production bonus and profit share in respect of the ten months to 30th June. I then had to put this into action and, in addition, calculate the wages on a weekly basis for the last time before we switch to monthly pay with effect from 1st August. I don't think that I have had such a complicated set of calculations in the last twenty years and my head is reeling. I even broached my biggest taboo and worked at home last night to make sure that it was all done in time to meet the bank's payment deadline. I think I deserve some time off now but I have to get cracking on the new computer system and time is precious.

I've been so busy that I am late in reporting the arrival at Instanta of young Tim Isherwood who started on the shop floor a couple of weeks ago. Tim (19)is another local lad and he tells me that,after studying media, he is very interested in computers and computer graphics as well as being keen on badminton and table tennis. Welcome Tim. Apologies for the delay. I hope you have a very enjoyable time working here.

And here are a couple of important visitors who have been beavering away on our audit this week. Big Alan Finch of Moore Stephens has audited our books for six years now and he is always very welcome. It's nice to deal with a true gentleman and Alan is certainly that. This year he is accompanied by trainee charted accountant Patrick McGain. Patrick (25) has been with the firm for four years after completing an economics degree in Northumbria. A keen hockey player, he is also a season ticket holder at Everton but we won't hold that against him. I am sorry that my workload has prevented me from talking to him for long but I hope that he has enjoyed his visit and wish him success in completing his qualification.

I went to the doctor this morning to see if my blood pressure was causing my light headedness and tiredness and to see if I could reduce my pills. Typically my BP was quite high (it always is at the docs - they call it white coat syndrome)so I have to keep taking the tablets. But she decided that my symptoms were being caused by the pain from the bad hip which is affecting my sleep patterns and causing fatigue. So she has prescribed some pain killers and I hope that they do the trick. The last pain killers caused terrible stomach problems so I hope these are more benign.
I'll finish today with a video for our auditors. As they are both Evetonians I though they might like to see a team in blue and white who can score a goal.
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