Last Thursday Marion was frantically watering the garden in a last bid attempt to save our brown and dying lawn and our withering vegetables before the hosepipe ban came into force. She spent hours making sure that the precious garden was soaked (great now that we are on a water meter). I suppose it was pretty obvious and we should not be surprised at what happened next but ever since we were banned from using the hosepipe we have had no need for it whatsoever with cloudbursts and thunder and lightening punctuating the days at regular intervals.Oh well, the garden is looking very very green now. It's just a pity that we won't be able to sit in it.

It was thirty four years ago tomorrow that Marion and I walked down the aisle (or to be accurate, through the registry office) and it only seems like yesterday. I had hoped that we would be celebrating by visiting a garden near Pendle Hill that opens to the public on Sunday but the weather forecast is looking grim (see above) and we may have to settle for a trip to the cinema.

Where at last, after weeks of drought and a dearth of films to see, there is a new movie with half decent reviews. Inception, the new Leonardo DiCaprio film is a thriller based on dreams and it looks well worth a visit as does...

Toy Story 3 which hits the screens on Monday and is a shoe in for this week's Orange Wednesday choice. As with all Pixar films, it is reported to have a very high tearjerker rating so we will need to go equipped with plenty of tissues. I hope that it doesn't match "Up" on this score as it took Marion almost a week to get over that one. Let's hope that with two worthwhile films this week we are back into a golden period of cinema choice.

A quick word of praise for the BBC in filling the gaps left by the absence of films at the local Vue. It was a brave move to put a four part police thriller on over four nights this week but "The Silence" starring Genevieve Barr (above) as a deaf woman who witnessed a murder was original and highly watchable and the director along with Ms Barr (who is deaf) gave the viewer a real insight into the silent world of the deaf and the frustrations that it must create. Five stars for the Beeb.
I'll finish this week by directing you to The Chip Shop Awards 2010. Nothing to do with fish and chips, these awards are for the advertising and creative industry and offer agencies a chance to show what they are made of. Instanta's agency Workhouse Marketing, who were nominated in the best politically incorrect category, pointed me to the website and , if you have a spare ten minutes, have a look at the wealth of creativity that's out there. Guaranteed to raise more than a few smiles click here to see more.
For an example here's my personal favourite.
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