I have just completed the transition of the payroll from weekly to monthly and what a job that was!I produced spreadsheet after spreadsheet to cross check the figures and am delighted that everybody's pay balanced to the penny bar one. As that error resulted in one member of staff being overpaid the princely sum of £22 I have let it lie and he or she (who shall remain nameless)can have a drink on me this weekend. The payroll is all set up now for August and I hope that everyone can manage the long wait before the next payday. We paid the annual bonus and profit share with the last week's pay so that will make it a little easier for them.

Another thing that will help is the annual pay rise that has been agreed and will take effect on 1st August. We've gone for 2.75% which I think is reasonable in the current economic climate especially as it is not a full year since our last pay round. Some of our staff will now have KPI's (Key Performance Indicators). These will allow us to measure performance and they will be rewarded depending on how well they do in achieving their targets. One of the KPI's will be for someone here to devise an incentive scheme for the rest of the staff.

Whilst taking another mouse to the park this morning (that's two this week), my ears pricked up as a story came on the radio about a medical breakthough with another furry creature.It seems that scientists have managed to repair rabbits' damaged joints by a new method that allows the tissue to regenerate naturally. Being in need of a new hip, I immediately thought that this could be a solution for me but I was brought back down to earth when the doctor being interviewd conjectured that it would be about ten years before the remedy would be available to humans.

With just one day to run in the month I am delighted to see Peter Brindle doing very well in the new sales league table that we have just introduced. Today Peter won an order for ten UCD47Ds. Well done and congratulations Pete.We'll have to get cracking on those KPI's for you.
Great news from son Paul. He has managed to get us tickets for the broadcast of Magic Numbers in a couple of weeks time. We are realy looking forward to it. Don't know who is performing yet. Last week it was Diana Vickers. I thought that she was good.
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