Once a month I sit down with Tony and Gavin and we plan what we are going to make for the next month. We tweak this in our weekly production meetings but we generally get things just about right. So last week we planned our production and put in a fair few WM15SS boilers (pictured). Today an order comes in for all bar seven of them. Oh well, it's a nice problem to have, I'm not complaining.

Marion and I love Florence. Next to Venice it's one of our very favourite places. But not tonight. Because tonight the Florentines of Fiorentina have Liverpool's destiny in their hands. If they beat Lyon, Liverpool are out of the Champions League in the first round for the first time in ages and I'll have to go and watch them in the Europa League (how exciting). I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope that Lyon do us a favour. Mind you there's also the small matter of Liverpool needing to beat Debrecini too. If the results do go Liverpool's way there's going to be one hell of a big game at Anfield in December.

It's that time of year when we have to look at our prices for next year. We've just been through a major recession and nobody is expecting increases but we are implementing some major upgrades to our boilers in February and some increases are inevitable on the new improved models. We'll do our best to keep them to a minimum. Fortunately Gavin has done some good deals with suppliers and we will benefit when they filter through.

Orange Wednesday tomorrow has to be Paranormal Activity. This is the film that cost $15,000 and has grossed over $100million already. It's a sort of Blair Witch scary movie. It probably won't live up to the hype but we'll give it a try.Marion likes a good fright.
And speaking of frights, I'll leave you with something found in an American sewer. Real or not? I'll let you decide.
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