Marion and I are back from our brief holiday. We had a good time staying in the delightful market town of Woodstock where we went and had a look around Blenheim Palace and had a general relax. I even managed to find time to read a book from cover to cover which is a first for some time. It was The Girl On The Landing by Paul Torday (a birthday present from Sarah). And very good it was too. I should be getting the first copies of my own novel this week. No I haven't got a publisher but I have had a few copies printed for family and friends.

Whilst we were away we managed to get to the opening of our favourite artist PJ Crook's new exhibition in Burford another delightful Cotswold town. We bought our first painting by this super artist when the children were still young and we couldn't really afford it but we are glad that we did as she is as her paintings are now much sought after. Sadly the ones that we liked at her new show had already been sold but we did have the pleasure of meeting her for the first time.

However all was not lost on the paintings front as, while we were away, we also went to the Antiques For Everyone fair at the NEC. Here we bought this super painting by Jiri Borsky. We don't know his work but we really liked it and it is a nice addition to our collection.

Eddie Izzard at the Liverpool Echo Arena on Saturday was excellent. Eddie is truly a man after my own heart and he finished his show with his philosophy which is ,put simply, treat everyone as you would like to be treated yourself or (do as you would be done by). I've always lived by this maxim and it's never done me any harm. The show has given Marion a good few new catch phrases and the image of the dog kneading bread is indelibly etched on my mind. Nice one Eddie.
I lost my bet on X factor this weekend as I couldn't believe that Rachel would be kicked off ahead of the dreadful Jedward. It just goes to show that there's no accounting for the British public's taste. Watch these clips and weep.
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