I got a newsletter from one of our suppliers this morning. It's a bit like a blog but on paper instead of on the Internet. Anyway, a story caught my eye. The Managing Director was pictured presenting a "well merited 10 Year Service Award" at a recent presentation. I just wondered how the directors got together to decide that Steve Smith (not his real name) merited this award. "I see Steve's been here ten years now. Do you think he merits a 10 years' service award?" "I'd go as far as to say say it's well merited". So Steve well done for meriting your ten year award. Be interested to hear about the people who work for ten years who don't merit one.

Another thing caught my eye whilst glancing through the local paper "The Southport Visiter" (yes we know it's spelled wrongly) on Friday. It seems that the local Sally Army is going all weird this year and proudly announced they are holding a "Christmas Bizarre". That's a real change from the old stuffy image of the Army with the brass bands and Victorian uniforms. We'll have to go and check it out. I wonder what they'll have in store for us instead of the mince pies, tombola and carol singing.

It's so quiet in here today. The factory is closed on Mondays but, in addition this week we've got Jenny and Craig on holiday, so that means we are very thin on the ground in the office too. So please bear with us if we are bit slow answering the phone.

I wrote about the long firm fraud that we fell for the other week and how Marion turned into Miss Marple and investigated everything that had gone on and got the police involved almost instantly. As a result of Marion's vigilance the police were able to get to the warehouse that stored all the fraudulently obtained goods before the fraudsters could sell it(it was full so we weren't the only mugs)and today Steve Eyres from our assembly team has driven to Scotland to bring our stuff back. So, thanks to Jenny's intuition and Marion's investigative skills ,we have lost nothing (other than Steve's overtime and the cost of the fuel) and a number of other relieved suppliers will be getting their goods back. As for the fraudster? Lets hope that he gets his just deserts.

Not only is Marion an ace investigator, she should also be a tipster. Last night after my customary weekly football accumulator bet had lost, she told me to bet on Jamie and Lloyd to be in the last two on X Factor and then for Jamie to be eliminated. I did and won £44. So what are next week's lottery numbers love?
I stand to win £170 if Olly wins. And speaking of Olly winning. How did he get on when he appeared on Deal or No Deal?
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