We're suffering from Orange Wednesday withdrawal symptoms. We couldn't find anything to watch at the local Vue last week and, once again, there's nothing this week. There are a few films that we might like to see. "Fantastic Mr Fox" is only on in the afternoon. "A Christmas Carol" is not really seasonal at the moment and "The Men Who Stare At Goats" got such lousy reviews that we can't get enthusiastic about it. There was one film that opened to universal acclaim last week. "Bright Star", about the poet Keats, looks great but is it on at our multi screen cinema? Need you ask?

"Well", you might say "at least you had a night out last night". And what a night it was! My usual match day companion was away so I sold my spare ticket on the Liverpool Season Ticket exchange scheme. I went to the pub on my own and asked for a steak and chips. "Which do you want, rump or sirloin?" the barman asked. "Which is the best" I said. "Rump" said the barman. God help anyone who had the sirloin. I'm starting to sound like Victor Meldrew but it got worse. As kick off approached it looked as though Liverpool had failed to sell my spare ticket as the seat beside me was empty. But just as the match kicked off a young woman of 25 stone (I kid you not)took up her place.Now I'm not weightist but these seats are designed for the average sized backside and hers would have amply filled three.And it almost did as both I and the bloke on the other side of her leaned outwards causing a domino effect making the whole row look as if we were carrying out our own Berlin Wall 20 year celebration. Such was my seat mate's girth, I saw a young lady in front surreptitiously snapping her on her mobile making the pretence of photographing her boyfriend (who was clearly way out of shot). Not only did my neighbour fill my seat she also filled my senses with a scent that I have not smelled since the caretaker showed us all what lay below the manhole in the school playground and a mouth that spewed profanities that would make Gordon Ramsay blush. Maybe next time I have a spare ticket I will treat myself to the luxury of spilling over into both seats.

The scrap metal merchant just came round with his cheque. Over £6,000 this month! And the brass price is not at the level it was almost two years ago when we found an employee helping himself. The local court accepted his claim that he had only nicked a couple of thousand pounds worth and yet our turnover with the scrap man is already at over half of last year's figure with just a quarter of the year gone. Oh well I suppose we should be grateful that we are at least getting the right amount now.

It's almost time for us to get in touch with our favourite photographer Peter Raymond to get our photos done for our new brochure.He's a great photographer.This is some of his wedding work (I couldn't lift the commercial stuff from his website but you can see it on our website) and you can check him out here.. We've got a fair few new models to launch in February.
And if you think I was moaning earlier. This is the size of the woman sitting next to me at Anfield last night.
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