Our office manager Jenny has persuaded me to give email invoicing a try. Yes I know it's green and I know it's fast and I know it's economical and it works OK with suppliers that we buy from but. There's such a but in my mind with email. Ever since our son almost missed out on the job that launched his career when an email submission failed to arrive, I've been extremely wary of email for important stuff. We'll give it a try because I trust Jenny's judgment but if we are inundated with non-payers in a month or two amidst pleas of "we didn't get the invoice" it will be back to the paper and post.

Another Instanta boiler appeared on Raymond Blanc's show "The Restaurant" on BBC last night. The producer used it to mirror one of the contestants and our 1500 model got a good minute or so of free advertising.Would have been better if they had kept it clean. The contestants on this year's show seem to have everything necessary to run a successful restaurant apart from the ability to cook and it's going to end in tears. There is no way that any of these are going to be opening a restaurant. The highlight of the night was the cake made by one of them for a customer who wanted a cake in the shape of an aeroplane.I've been looking everywhere for a photo to no avail. Suffice to say it was hilarious.

Paranormal Activity at the cinema last night was OK. Not too scary but not bad either. It was a real eye opener for us to go to a full price showing as we are so used to Orange Wednesday. It's not the price I'm talking about, it's the audience. There were no more than six customers sharing the screening with us compared to a packed house on Wednesdays.

A big order for the DB2000 boilers is due to go out today or on Monday. We are sending sixty six of these to Rampton hospital. The electronic locks on these boilers are ideal for this high security establishment and help prevent the patients from scalding themselves.
As it's Friday it's time to start thinking about tomorrow night's X Factor. I still think my favourite Joe is going to win.So I'll close with some music.I hope Joe performs a bit better than this.
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