It was one of our bowling nights at the local bowl last night.Pictured above are overall individual score winner Kirk Harrison (centre),runner up Gavin Ford (left) and third placed Gary Rodwell (right). Kirk had a huge run of strikes in game one but his consistency suffered in game two and left him an overall score of 289 for the two games.

And these are all winners too as the team captained by Max Vidal (left) won the overall team contest with a total of 1187 over two games. Pictured with Max are, left to right, Lee Moore, Kirk Harrison,Gary Rodwell and Craig Buckley who was also the overall winner of game two with a score of 144.

This is where the everyone's a winner theme starts to get a litte tenuous. My team had an individual winner in Craig Mercer who beat the rest of us. Here he is (not quite Victor Ludorum this time Craig)pictured centre with, from left to right, Joey Jones, Phil Joce, Nick Neal and me.

David Boutle was highest scorer in this team with 242 points. Here he is (in striped shirt) with (left to right) Steve Eyres, Andy Fyles, Jenny Buckley and Dave Wilson.

Gavin Ford, left was the highest scorer in this team with a total of 280 points. Gav is picture with his mum Margaret, Sean Johnson, Tony Mercer and Natalie Drummond. A good night was had by all and there was so much food that we didn't eat it all (it usually looks like the buffet has been attacked by a plague of locusts).

After my total memory failure the other day, we have decided to make tonight our weekly cinema trip. We'll miss out on the Orange two for one offer but at least we'll get to the pictures. I somehow doubt that the film will live up to the hype but what the heck, it looks like a bit of fun.
I'll close with a bowling shot to make our players feel a bit better about themselves.
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