I said yesterday that the world should be grateful for telly, email jokes and football. But I forgot to add that other important distraction - YouTube. And what's better than a YouTube video about football? I usually sign off the blog (another distraction that I forgot to mention) with a video but for a change I am starting with one today. This one's a cracker.
We could talk all day about it. I could see it being set as a topic for a university essay. Girls and football? The fairer sex? Should Rafa let Andriy Voronin wear his ponytail? The choices are endless. All I can say is sign her up for Liverpool. We could do with a bit of passion in the team.

As proof that my philosophy of honesty being the best policy is really true, I earned myself an unwarranted £22 this week. I put an accumulator bet on Betfair last weekend and took advantage of a special offer "If one side loses you get half your stake back". Imagine my surprise on Tuesday when £22 appeared in my Betfair account after two of my teams failed to win. I wrote to Betfair and suggested that they take the money back but they very kindly thanked me for my honesty and let me keep it. Mind you I'm not sure if I'll be popular with all the other punters who benefited from this glitch and were debited after I pointed out the mistake.

I'm off to Tesco to do the week's big shop when I've finished this. I hope that I don't have a repeat of last week. As I was loading the shopping onto the belt I was aware of something hitting my shins. I turned to see an old man flat out on the floor. I thought he was dead but as I knelt beside him I could hear that he was still breathing. He had somehow fallen backwards and fortunately my shins cushioned his head or else he would have cracked it on the rock hard floor. He lay unmoving for half an hour whilst he was being attended to by the first aiders and ambulance crew. In the meantime the lady on the checkout rang up my shopping. Life goes on. She and I both felt guilty but there was nothing that we could do to help.

I suppose that the highlight of the weekend will be X Factor. 15 million tuned in to last Sunday's elimination at one stage and that is an enormous viewing figure in today's multi channel digital age. It's a good show and, with the twins still in the running there's bound to be plenty more controversy this week. Tonight we'll be watching the final episode of "Collision". It's been good but the story strains credibility to the absolute limit. What are the odds on a car crash involving (in different cars) a paedophile, an illegal immigrant smuggler,a whistle blower, someone who wants to get rid of his mum-in-law (OK that one's quite plausible)and a pot smoker? Hmmm. And what are the odds on a service station having TWO Parry boilers? Beggars belief.Entertaining all the same.
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