Happy birthday greetings to Max Vidal.Max turns 42 today and has treated himself to a day off to go and play golf. But, looking at the weather, I think that he should have chosen to go sailing (in his garden). Max is the friendly voice on the end of our service helpline. He has been with us for thirteen years now and has spent the last couple of years in the office. We get plenty of customers complimenting us on the great service that Max has given them and we think those plaudits are well deserved. Have a good day Max and don't catch flu.

Having ignored Marion's sensible advice on my X Factor bets for the last few weeks when she has accurately forecast the act to go home, I listened to her this week. Danyl was sure to be in the bottom two she said. Sadly,she was wrong, for the first time, and I lost (as usual). My favourite Joe is still a very strong contender and I can see him winning the final in a couple of weeks' time.

Tonight Marion and I are going to Liverpool with our next door neighbour to see Bill Bailey's show. Our neighbour Vincent is a huge fan. We don't know Bill Bailey too well although we have seen a couple of his performances on TV and had a good laugh. We're having a meal at 60 Hope St before the show and that is always worth a trip to Liverpool.

After I reported him as Mr 98.8% on Friday, Dave Boutle spent the weekend protesting his innocence from the rooftops and, as a result, is now back to being Mr 99.4% with his eBay feedback. No doubt the endless phone calls will have cost him dearly but he is a proud man and a true seeker of justice. Now he has to get back to 100% after getting his only other negative from a customer that he refunded in full and allowed to keep the goods.
And speaking of justice. Here's the only Irishman in the world who isn't complaining that the Irish were robbed.
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