You know what it's like. Your wireless broadband goes down and you are left panicking. For someone like me it's as if the intravenous drip has been yanked from my body and my wonderful world of eBay, Betfair, Authonomy and YouTube - my lifeblood - is slowly trickling away. So what do you do? Reboot the router. Reboot the laptop. Fiddle with everything for two blinkin hours and get absolutely nowhere. Seek discussion boards on the land line connection. Try their remedies and dig yourself deeper into a mess. Finally, in a last desperate measure you pick up the phone and dial BT's helpline. And who are you phoning? Someone in flippin Mumbai. And what's he going to do to help? Well er..... Five minutes later my wireless is up and running. I've had a very nice chat about the weather in India this week and my lifeblood has returned to my veins. So **** BT's Indian call centre. Four star service. Speedy answering, polite and knowledgeable technicians. I think I might try putting an Instanta service line out there. (Mind you Max is irreplaceable)

We went to see Harry Brown last night. It was quite good in a bit of an over the top sort of way. Michael Caine plays a Charles Bronson type vigilante figure in a dystopian vision of life on a London council estate. It's a bit simplistic in its messages but Michael is very good and the film has pretty good pace.There's quite a lot of hoodies around here. Perhaps I should take a leaf out of Harry's book and get myself a gun.

Our cinema has been fitted out with a few rows of fancy new seats. You can sit in these for a premium of £1.50. Now I think that Vue have got that price completely wrong. Who is going to sit in the fancy seats for £1.50. If they were charging £10 a seat then you would be talking. All the flash people would be clamouring to show off to the rest of the audience that they were considerably richer than everyone else. £1.50 doesn't quite cut it. Marion and I tried out the test seats in the foyer. Our verdict? Not as comfy as the cheap seats. It was quite funny watching the ushers trying to enforce the new seating which resulted in what looked like an impromptu game of musical chairs being carried out in the auditorium as all the cheap ticket holders took their rightful places in the plebs' area.

Gavin has just booked our trip to the local Ten Pin Bowl next week. We go once or twice a year and usually have a very good evening. Numbers are down a bit this time. Last year we had 28 players but several of last time's players can't make it. I suppose that will save me and Marion a few pounds but we will miss regular star players Craig Peach and Darren Rodwell who usually put in pretty impressive scores.
The Bowl is right alongside the pier. If we get chance we'll have a got at this when we finish (if the tide is in).
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