It's not too late to buy a boiler at the current price. But you will have to be quick as there is a price increase on Monday when prices will be raised by a shade over 5%. However, any orders placed before 5pm today for immediate delivery will qualify for the March 2010 price.

If you have visited this blog before you will know that I am a big fan of YouTube. I get an email update of the top virals every Friday but usually find that they have already been on the blog. However, this morning the email linked to one that I had not seen before and it has had over 8 million (yes, million!) views. Obviously with such a huge audience I had to take a look at it and here it is for you to check out. I don't know if I am a big cynic or what but I just don't get it. I was waiting for something to happen. It didn't. But I suppose that now it has been on this blog that will be eight million and five views. I wonder how many more simply thought WTF.

It's yesterday's news but I was delighted to see that Spain is taking another step into the 21st Century with the banning of bullfights in Catalonia. All that is needed now is for the rest of the country to follow suit and stop this barbaric ritual and all those other nasty things like throwing goats off towers and piling onto donkeys until their backs break in the name of "tradition". It beats me how any of it still goes on and perhaps it's time for a Europe wide movement against this cruelty.
I would like to say a big thank you to my Chinese reader who regularly leaves a comment on the blog. I am afraid that I don't speak Chinese and I do hope that the comments are complimentary. That Babel Fish Internet translation service is not up to too much as the translation of the latest comment reads "To have the item of fool law is it possible that in the law: “in an organization's fool, is bigger than permanently is equal to 2/3".I'm not sure that that is what my reader intended to say. Hope it's not me that's being referred to as the fool. Anyway here is a message for him or her courtesy of Babel Fish. Hope it doesn't offend. 谢谢您的评论。 不幸地我讲中文,但是您的到博克的参观是受欢迎的。
Don't forget Magic Numbers with Stephen Mulhern tomorrow evening 8pm ITV1. I've got my fingers crossed that there will be a big winner this week.This week's star act is Scouting For Girls. Never heard of them but I am reliably told by everyone in the office that they are good. Let's see.