Wednesday 7 April 2010

Maybe Its Because I'm A Pensioner

Well I'm not quite a pensioner yet but when you see the days when you have to rely upon your pension and savings upon the horizon it concentrates your mind wonderfully on what you are spending. Having gone through the personal finances, I found that we have been paying £3.50 per month for years for anti virus software that we have never used and this has cost us over £135. We cancelled that straight away and then looked for other savings and thought about a water meter. There's only two of us at home now and the water rates are over £900 so a quick check on the Internet and with a water meter we will save hundreds. So, in a convoluted way I finally get to the point of the photo above. I waited in for the meter man this morning and, to make life easy for him, I emptied out the mess from the cupboard beneath the stairs where all the meters are. Man duly arrives and I proudly show him empty cupboard. "Where's the stop cock?" he asks. "In the kitchen" I reply. And that's where the meter has gone. Oh well at least it gave me something to do putting everything back while he fitted it.

Orange Wednesday tonight and we finally get the chance to see Kick Ass. We're looking forward to it as the reviews were great in all the papers except the Telegraph "Bad Language Tut Tut" which gave it one star. I went to the cinema at lunch time to get the tickets and found the place overrun with what looked like a Munchkin convention. The whole cinema foyer was packed with children as I realised that it was school holidays. Fortunately as the parents clearly aren't regulars they had not twigged that you can buy tickets at the bar and I managed to dodge the fifty yard queue and get my tickets quickly. It must have been hell in the queue as cinemas seem to delight in selling things that take an eternity to serve. Popcorn? A bag takes a second but they insist on using giant buckets that take five times as long to fill as does everything else, hot dogs, ice cream, nachos (wtf).

At least our daughter Sarah is away from the crowds in the holiday cottage she rented in Aberdeen shire. Here's a photo that her partner Duncan sent. They were planning a relaxing spring break. Four foot snow drifts aren't what you usually associate with spring.

After reading yesterday's blog (yes some people do read it), ace photographer and all round computer wizard Peter Raymond tells me that printing and scanning a photo is not the way to do it and he has the technology to do it properly. So here are a couple more photos of the wedding. Thank you Peter.Much appreciated and thanks for the background paper you gave me for the eBay pics.

I'll finish to day with a classic piece of reporting from Sky's wonderful Gillette Soccer Saturday. Priceless

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