Friday 6 February 2009

Clarkson Slated For Telling Truth

I'm not very interested in cars and don't watch "Top Gear" so I have not seen a lot of Jeremy Clarkson on TV apart from when he was tracing his ancestors in "Who Do You Think You Are?". But I see from the news today that he is being slated for stating the truth.He referred to Gordon Brown as a One-eyed (sad but true) Scottish (no argument) Idiot (undoubtedly true). What is happening in the world when people are castigated for having a view? No doubt Clarkson will be hauled over the coals and threatened with the sack but shouldn't we be rejoicing that we live in a country where we can say what we like without fear of retribution. If Jeremy was Chinese and had said that about his PM he would have disappeared without trace by now.

A read of this morning's Guardian film reviews has really put the cat among the pigeons (or should that be dog?) with our plans for next week's trip to the cinema. The much acclaimed and Oscar nomination showered "Benjamin Button" and "Doubt" both had awful reviews whereas the animated feature "Bolt" got the four star treatment. We could do with a good laugh so "Bolt" it is for the next Orange Wednesday. That's not to say that I am completely in thrall of film critics but I have to say that with a couple of exceptions the Guardian and Observer have generally been very reliable.

I saw a very mixed and confusing bunch of headlines on the newstands this morning. One paper's lead was 16,000 PO job cuts, whilst another reported "House Prices Up" and another "Now For Some Good News" so could we be on the brink of a turning point? It really would be good news if the one eyed Scottish idiot (©Jeremy Clarkson)would follow Obama's lead and limit the bankers' salaries to $500,000. That's about £350,000 and if they can't live on that I don't have a lot of sympathy.But no. All we get from his spokesperson is some mealy mouthed platitudes about looking at the situation. I just got a letter from the bank this morning and they are going to charge us £185 per quarter for the privilege of having an overdraft facility. Thanks Barclays. Interest rates down so charges go up.

More progress being made with the Sous Vide equipment. I am really pleased with these and we are virtually ready to go into production now. A local restaurant had a minor technical problem with the trial model this morning and whilst I was sorry that they had a problem I was delighted that the chef was finding the water bath completely indispensible. Happy to say we sorted the problem in a few minutes and he was up and running again in plenty of time for lunch. Giving equipment such extensive field testing is proving invaluable as we have been able to tweak the units to try and achieve exactly what the chefs want and iron out minor technical problems before going into full production.

Was Clarkson right? Here's a clip to help you decide.

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