Friday 10 October 2008

Natural Born Seller?

Whist watching the brilliant new ITV "Apprentice" rip-off "Natural Born Sellers" last night my thoughts immediately turned to Craig Buckley. Craig (above) is currently having a taster of life as a salesman and has joined Nick on the road for a month. I don't think I can ever see Craig becoming like the characters in the programme who, without exception, speak in riddle-like jargon "I wear my balls on my chest and they are bigger than theirs" and aspire to be top dog for which they get to drive a "top of the range Lexus" for a week (I assume that none of them have seen Alan Partrdige and don't realise that the producers are taking the piss). Perhaps if there are joint winners next week they will be told that they will be driving Lexi. Oh well, if you meet Craig on his travels, please make him welcome and give him an order.

My next door neighbour Vincent left me an envelope full of bits for the blog the other day. Although most are a bit too long for the blog they all made me chuckle. I particularly liked the automated switchboard for a Psychiatrist.

"Welcome to the Psychiatric Clinic

"If you are obsessive compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly"

"If you are co-dependant please ask somebody to press 2"

"If you have multiple personalities please press 3,4,5 & 6"

"If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line so we can trace the call"

"If you are depressed, it doesn't matter which number you press. Nobody will answer."

And so on. Thanks Vincent, the cheques in the post.

I know that I sound a bit of a telly addict (which I suppose I am) but please do watch "Beautiful People" (above) BBC2 Thursdays. It really is a joy.

No Liverpool this weekend. I don't really think it will be worth watching England v Kazakhstan although it may be worthwhile just to see how many Borat references the commentators and Gary Lineker get in "that suit is NOT black" and it might be a laugh if Mark Lawrenson does his half time analysis in his mankini.

As you can see, it's a hive of activity in the office at the moment with the girls working flat out. I sometimes wonder how they cope with the pressure. In fairness they have worked really hard this week. We have sold nearly 200 boilers this week which is not bad for a recession and if we carry on at this rate we could top 10,000 in a year. That's a lot of boilers.

Nobody has won the competition yet. Keep trying. Here is an extra clue.Aug Bdlkgz. Ey E zudkox yroo yqdi lqrvg teau Ldx.

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