Tuesday 7 October 2008

The Perfect Put Down

I suppose that we blog writers or bloggers display a certain amount of self importance and self belief to imagine that anybody might be remotely interested in reading our daily thoughts. When I excitedly told my son yesterday that a reader had sent me a book I probably got the response I deserved when he asked if its title was "How to write a better blog".

A response like this does tend to take the wind from the sails and shrivel the ego and a perfect put down is quite an art form. I remember once inviting an important buyer to dinner. He was a pleasant enough bloke but by the end of the evening we had become rather tired of listening to his entire life story without a pause and when he told us that he had recently been staying at a hotel and Mel Gibson was dining at the next table I couldn't help but ask him if he thought that Mel Gibson told the same story.

Once ate in the same dining room as **** ****

The other day Marion took a call from one of those persistent sales people trying to sell some advertising space. He asked if he could speak to sales director Nick. Marion politely told him that Nick would not be interested but like a dog with a bone the sales person would not let go. Eventually he asked Marion "and are you authorised to speak on Nick's behalf?" To which Marion responded "Well ,as I employ him, yes". End of call.

We watched the final installment of " A Place Of Execution" on ITV last night and I have to say that what was a brilliant piece of drama was somewhat spoiled by a very weak and implausible ending. I won't spoil it for those of you who have it in on Sky Plus but after devoting three hours' viewing I felt a bit let down. Great performances from Juliet Stevenson and the rest of the cast though.

It's all a bit quiet on the betting front. I am waiting for the next Newcastle Manager market to get moving. With the club on the market I think my money could be tied up for quite some time. Had a small flutter on X factor but there are no outstanding contestants yet so just laid a few of the hopeless ones.

And with that I better get back to work. We are short staffed this week and the orders have been literally flooding in. If this is a recession I don't know how we will cope when it's over.

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